From Hostility To Harmony, Changing A Child's Challenging Behaviour

violent child fighting Do you have a controlling child who challenges your authority? Do you often feel manipulated? Have you been on the receiving end of swearing, aggression and even violence? Are you willing to do anything to have your child change their behaviour?

Child to parent violence happens more frequently than you might imagine, you are not alone. I started Stressed Parent in 2014 having become a stressed parent myself when I adopted in 2011 my highly traumatised and challenging three-year old boy. Read my story 

In this E-Course you will learn the principles of an intervention called Non-Violent Resistance. (NVR)

An Israeli Psychotherapist called Haim Omer developed Non-Violent Resistance having studied the peaceful resistance practices of people like Ghandi, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King.

I trained in NVR and have combined the programme with my knowledge from twenty plus years of teaching stress management and eight years of working with adoptive and foster families and their troubled children.

I know that as incredibly busy people you won’t necessarily have time to go to live courses.

E-learning also offers a level of privacy not available at a live course. "From Hostility to Harmony- Changing Challenging Childrens Behaviour" will help you regain control and create more harmony in your home.

The NVR parenting principles are excellent for any family and for children from age 3-18.

With just twelve units (each an hour or less) watched over twelve weeks my E-Course “From Hostility To Harmony, Changing A Child’s Challenging Behaviour” will teach you how to:

1.Stop or interrupt the angry outbursts, whilst maintaining everyone’s dignity

2.Increase your presence (influence) through several kinds of considered and organised protest and regular relationship building activities

3.Repair your relationship with your child through reconciliation

4.Disrupt the learnt and patterned negative behaviour of the child recognising that change takes time

5.Enjoy your child more whilst experiencing much more harmony at home

6.De-escalate conflict during emotionally charged incidents

7.Changing the dynamic by recognising the triggers and developing a better way to communicate

8.Learn the value and how to discipline with natural consequences and the child making amends

9.Understanding the drama triangle to avoid being a victim and practice parental disobedience to stop the expectation that you are their servant

In 12 weeks (or less) you could have a different child!

Worth it's weight in gold?

What value would you put on: peace of mind, regaining control, having greater influence, regaining respect, enjoying your child, reducing worry, feeling confident for the future, being more at ease with each other, feeling positive about your child, laughter and joy, better communication?

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The Shopping cart is currently open  for you to sign up to one of three levels of provision (Prices and instalment details are also detailed)

Hostility to Harmony, e-course only

Hostility to Harmony, e-course only

A film based e-course with Gill Tree, comprising twelve units of videos and activities, each unit 30-50 minutes in length and ideally studied one unit a week.

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Hostility to Harmony E- course with private 1 to 1 mentoring

Hostility to Harmony E- course with private 1 to 1 mentoring

Join eight sessions of one hour private and one to one mentoring with Gill, benefitting from her guidance and expertise over Zoom

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