Join the wait list for my next From Hostility to Harmony- Changing Your Child’s Challenging Behaviour group work programme starting Tuesday 25th February 2025 7.30-9pm for 6 weeks.


Are you a stressed parent struggling with your child's behaviour?

Have you tried many different ways to change your child’s challenging behaviour without effect? Are the challenges just too big?

The stress of parenting a challenging child can be immense. It is likely that you are here because you are desperate to get life back onto an even keel or that you can’t cope with children’s behaviour. You may want to help a child who is showing aggressive behaviour, deal with an angry teenager, learn how to handle a defiant child or stop a son's violence.

I've been supporting parents and carers like you with a parenting intervention called Non Violent Resistance since 2014, including adopted families: Gill was the keynote speaker at Adopt South West’s conference and delivered an inspirational and engaging presentation. As a result, there has been a significant increase in families approaching us for support from Gill. Abraham O'Brien Service Manager Adopt South-West

Below are some free resources. including my Lunch Time Live on Facebook every Wednesday at 1pm for about 15 minutes

Sign up here:  for my free Webinar New Year, New Family Dynamic on Tuesday 7th January 25 at 7.30pm

Access my powerful resources to begin having more peace and harmony at home

Put some markers in the sand to make changes at home with my free guide

Sign up now for my free guide From Hostility to Harmony,  Changing a Child's Challenging Behaviour and begin to see some Improvements in your family dynamics

Sign me up

Take your first steps to harmony with my Lunch Time Live on Facebook

Every Monday at 1pm for 20 minutes Check my blog published on Wednesdays about a particular technique is then discussed  the following Monday

Give me access

Get some HOPE and learn how to resist your child's behaviour

Join the wait-list for my From Hostility to Harmony,  Changing a Child's Challenging Behaviour  e-course and group which is offered three times a year

Sign up here

Let me help you make lasting change to the challenging behaviour

I’m Gill Tree previously, a stressed parent myself when I adopted my son in 2011, a highly traumatised and challenging 3 year old.

Originally a stress management trainer to industry, I provided resilience programmes to families and now specialise in mentoring parents of violent, aggressive and controlling children. CAPVA (Child and adolescent to parent violence and abuse) is more prevalent that you might imagine.

Take Your First Steps From Hostility to Harmony, with my free mini e-course, NOW!

Accreditations & Professional Memberships

Member of The British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies BABCP
Member of The NVR Association (Non-Violent Resistance

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